
I started with design during my music study at the Conservatory when I needed web sites for my projects and bands. The first site I made was HTML only, but In the years that followed I started working with CSS, Javascript and some PHP as well (even some Flash when it became popular back then). I used text editors and for a while Dreamweaver as well to build my sites.

When my music career picked up and I had less time for design, I started to use Impresspages (CMS) and WordPress (CMS) instead of building my sites up from scratch. For this site I decided to go “old school” and build it up with a text editor.

Until 2016 I had mostly done design to serve my own needs and to help out some friends from time to time. Music was the career I had chosen for, design was just a “hobby” on the side. From 2016 though I started working more frequently as freelance designer, in 2018 – after I stopped being a performing artist, I shifted focus from music to design.

On this part of my web site I’ll share some info and examples of designs I have made: